ARUP Laboratories

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ARUP Laboratories
Our experts are passionate about improving diagnostic testing. More than 100 nationally and internationally recognized pathologists, subspecialty-qualified clinicians, board-certified clinical scientists, clinical variant scientists, and genetic counselors are available for consultation, interpretation, and collaboration with clients.
500 Chipeta Way
Salt Lake City, UT 84108

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Specimen and Order Submission Quick TipsSubmit the appropriate specimens.Submit the appropriate number of specimens, typically one sample per test ordered.

Logical Observation Identifier Names and Codes (LOINC), the international standard for coding laboratory results, provides universal code names and identifiers for laboratory tests and other medical terminology that can be used in medical health records. LOINC facilitates interoperability and communication within healthcare networks by providing a standard vocabulary for the universal identification of laboratory tests.

ARUP Laboratories defines critical values as any test result that may require rapid clinical attention to avert significant patient morbidity or mortality. Critical values are defined by the medical director of each technical section. Prompt verbal notification is provided to clients for results that are ARUP-defined critical values and require the immediate attention of a clinician.


Ocat Referral Networks